Drive Hive

Hive Tech
UX/ Soft Engineer

Creating an onboarding process for users who are on a waiting list for an EV vehicle. The users are primarily gig drivers based out in California who want to make a difference in limiting their carbon foot print and doing better for the environment.

As of 2023 the onboarding process has been successfully implemented my tasks were to:

  • Maintain and upgrade redux to redux tool kit in order to better manage state.
  • Maintain, upgrade and optimize components and functionality to minimize api calls, repetitive code and loading times
  • Implement Mocha along with Chai and Sinon to test and debug

Expanding on the onboarding process the product and engineering team has envisioned a dashboard where users can maintain their payments, see transactions recent and outstanding, retry outstanding payments, add payment methods and update their profile information. A fast follow will be to notify a user of immobilization of their vehicle. My tasks were to take on all frontend functionality for this portion of the project.

The biggest accomplishment is the development of the onboarding process and dashboard has alleviated some stress on our operations sector and their processes.

Service Rendered

Full Stack Development

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